%%BeginResource: procset pdflev15044 %%Version: 5.0 13 %%Copyright: Copyright 1987-2001 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved. %%LanguageLevel: 1 %%Title: PDF operators, Level 1, with emulated separations (TN 5044) /_ColorSep5044? true dd /docinitialize { PDF begin /_defaulthalftone /currenthalftone where { pop currenthalftone } { 4 dict dup begin currentscreen /SpotFunction exch def /Angle exch def /Frequency exch def /HalftoneType 1 def end } ifelse dd /currentcolortransfer where { pop /_defaultcolortransfer [ currentcolortransfer ] dd } { /_defaultcolortransfer [currenttransfer dup dup dup] dd } ifelse end } bd /initialize { /overprintstack null dd sep_ops begin 50 dict begin _defaulthalftone sethalftone } bd /terminate { end end } bd /currentcolortransfer where { pop } { /setcolortransfer { settransfer pop pop pop } bd } ifelse /pl { transform 0.25 sub round 0.25 add exch 0.25 sub round 0.25 add exch itransform } bd /m { _sa? { pl } if moveto } bd /l { _sa? { pl } if lineto } bd /c { _sa? {3 {pl 6 2 roll} repeat} if curveto } bd /ri/pop ld /setSA { /_sa? xdd } bd /re { _sa? { 8 dict begin /:h exch def /:w exch def /:y exch def /:x exch def :x :y pl /:ymin exch def /:xmin exch def :x :w add :y :h add pl /:ymax exch def /:xmax exch def :xmin :ymin moveto :xmax :ymin lineto :xmax :ymax lineto :xmin :ymax lineto closepath end } { 4 2 roll moveto 1 index 0 rlineto 0 exch rlineto neg 0 rlineto closepath } ifelse } bd /q { gsave [currentoverprint overprintstack] /overprintstack xdd } [/overprintstack] bld /Q { overprintstack aload pop /overprintstack xdd setoverprint grestore } [/overprintstack] bld /AlmostFull? { dup maxlength exch length sub 2 le } bd /Expand { 1 index maxlength mul cvi dict dup begin exch { def } forall end } bd /xput { 3 2 roll dup 3 index known not { dup AlmostFull? { 1.5 Expand } if } if dup 4 2 roll put } bd /defineRes { _categories 1 index known not { /_categories _categories 2 index 10 dict xput store } if _categories exch 2 copy get 5 -1 roll 4 index xput put } bd /findRes { _categories exch get exch get } bd /L1setcolor { aload length dup 0 eq { pop .5 setgray } { dup 1 eq { pop setgray } { 3 eq { setrgbcolor } { setcmykcolor } ifelse } ifelse } ifelse } bind dd /concattransferfuncs { [ 3 1 roll /exec load exch /exec load ] cvx } bd /concatandsettransfer { /_defaulttransfer load concattransferfuncs settransfer } bd /concatandsetcolortransfer { colorplate 0 eq { _defaultcolortransfer aload pop 8 -1 roll 5 -1 roll concattransferfuncs 7 1 roll 6 -1 roll 4 -1 roll concattransferfuncs 5 1 roll 4 -1 roll 3 -1 roll concattransferfuncs 3 1 roll concattransferfuncs setcolortransfer } if colorplate 1 ge colorplate 4 le and { 4 colorplate sub index 4 { exch pop } repeat concatandsettransfer } if colorplate 5 ge { 0 index 4 { exch pop } repeat concatandsettransfer } if } bd /tn5044sethalftone { begin HalftoneType 5 eq { [/Default /Cyan /Magenta /Yellow /Black /Default /Default /Default] colorplate get here not { /Default here not { currentdict } if } if } { currentdict } ifelse end begin /TransferFunction here { concatandsettransfer currentdict dup length dict begin { 1 index /TransferFunction ne { def } { pop pop } ifelse } forall currentdict end } { currentdict } ifelse end sethalftone } bd /paintimage { colorplate 0 eq { { {currentfile cyanstr readstring pop} {currentfile magentastr readstring pop} {currentfile yellowstr readstring pop} {currentfile blackstr readstring pop currentfile graystr readstring pop pop} } { {currentfile cyanstr readhexstring pop} {currentfile magentastr readhexstring pop} {currentfile yellowstr readhexstring pop} {currentfile blackstr readhexstring pop currentfile graystr readhexstring pop pop} } ifelse true 4 colorimage } { 3 dict begin /binaryOK exch def [ 1 1 5 { dup /currentfile cvx [ /cyanstr /magentastr /yellowstr /blackstr /graystr ] 3 -1 roll 1 sub get cvx binaryOK { /readstring } { /readhexstring } ifelse cvx /pop cvx 5 -1 roll colorplate dup 5 gt { pop 5 } if eq not { /pop cvx } if } for ] cvx bind end [ colorplate 6 eq { /pop cvx negativecolorplate { 0 } { 1 } ifelse } if colorplate 4 le { 1 /exch cvx /sub cvx } if colorplate 6 ne { systemdict /currenttransfer get exec aload pop } if ] cvx gsave systemdict /settransfer get exec systemdict /image get exec grestore } ifelse } bd %%EndResource